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A self-motivated and optimistic high school student in Almaarifa Secondary school. I am in my second year taking science major. I am Passionate about exploring and acquiring new knowledge to develop my skills as well as broaden my horizon and maximize its potential. Keen to pursue higher education in the tech industry.

I’m actively volunteering and participating in different fields from a young age to help knowing my path for the future and exploring my interests. Been a part of countless social interactions for critical thinking and self-development and represnted my school across the kingdom , honored for acheiving awards from MYS

I believe that with every challenge comes a learning opportunity to grow. So I joined the academy as a way to encourage my skills in programming and creating a whole product from scratch.

This website is to showcase the process of learning from fab academy as I’m documenting my work and my experience, So stay tuned for the upcoming documentations!

Last update: September 26, 2021