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2. Computer Aided design

This week I worked on getting to know some computer aided design programs, or CADs. The objective was to get familiar with software for 2D and 3D design.



I started by experimenting with some 2D design software. The first was Vectr, which is an online design tool where you can create vector graphics for free. I chose Vectr because it was an online tool, which really helped getting things done quickly, while getting a good feel for this type of tool.

I noticed there were two versions, one which seemed like the new version, and website had a link for an older version. I chose to play with the older version because the interface looked better than the older one.

New one

Older one

I started messing around and trying to create some shapes.

After a while I decided to make it a logo

After adding some shadows and editing the borders, which add a great effect, this was the final result

It is simple, but I was excited.


The second software I tried was a pixel graphics one. It was the open source GNU Image Manipulation Program, or GIMP. I already knew some Photoshop, so I decided why not try to mess around with this free alternative, and honestly I wasn’t disappointed. It is kinda awesome.

This is the user interface when opening the program.

I did not what to use it for exactly… but I had this photo of Goku lying around my desktop, so I thought why not !!

I messed around with the software to get the hang of it, a lot of things felt similar to Photoshop, but I am not great at that either so I just followed my “instincts”.

I did not what I was doing at First, but my idea was to try to change Goku’s mouth to a different expression.

Here I am trying to crop the mouth:

I faced some trouble with the floating select or whatever it is called, but after a while I figured it out. I also thought, why not give him some nice fiery eyes…

This is the final result



This is a free online tool that allows you to do many things, including 3D design.

I decided to use this tool since it was online, meaning no installation process, and because it is supposed to be a good tool for beginners.

It first asks you to make an account, then this is the interface you get.

I started by creating a design. I put a ball in the middle, and tried to understand the controls and how to use it. Little by little, I started to get how things work.

I messed around a bit, then I tried to put together some shapes. I used half-cylinders and attached them to the sphere at an angle, then I added a cylinder at the bottom, which gave me some sort of a bearing type of thing.

In the end I decided to copy and paste it to make some sort of a linear bearing. It was a bit tricky to try to align things by hand, but I later discovered an align tool.

In the end this is what I got. I am not a mechanical engineer, but it felt like tis could be used for something. Maybe some sort of linear mechanical movement.

More software

I wanted to experiment with more 3D design software, but I ran out of time to do so and be able to document it. Nevertheless, I am going to do that anyway, especially since we are going to do some 3D printing later on.

Last update: November 12, 2021