2. Computer Aided design¶
In our second week, we have looked for different 2D and 3D design software in order to use them for our final project. The both I searched for 2D design is Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, and AutoCAD by AutoDesk. On the other hand, the other 3D design software were Vectary, Blender, Inventor, Fusion360, OpenSCAD. I am familiar in using AutoCAD and Inventor as they were requested to us for the compellation of our bachelor degree as mechanical engineering students.
Our tutor required us to try Fusion360 as one of the software where you can perform a 3D design with easily. And also OpenSCAD as a #D design software that allows the users to code their designs.Thus, for the 2D design software InkScape, Cuttle were also discussed to us. So I have chosen these software to compare them to each other as I have time limitation to download other software to compare them more with the one I have already.
My AutoCAD and INVENTOR experience¶
As one of our requirements in university we have worked during our engineering subjects using both AutoCAD and INVENTOR. Both software are powered by AutoDesk which is the main company that develops them.
My Work¶
(1) My Junior Project was about creating a hydraulic arm powered by fluids, the fluids used in the hydraulic arm are recycled or unwanted manufactures fluid waste. We have built the Initial model using hard plastic. Our primary model use syringes as fluid pumps to run each specified part. Colors have been used to identify each part movement. On the following link you can see a generated video to our design. Hydraulic Arm Video
(2) We have done some other several projects, such as a bevel table. This bevel table is used to adjust and secure the tools. The following link has a video that clear the idea of the tool and what parts have been used to assemble the parts. Bevel Table
(3) One of the other design I made is a pogo stick. This pogo stick should be manufactured in Bahrain and has some of limitation to get suited to be used for the users in GCC countries. Following picture shows the actual designed pogo stick that we have worked on.
(4) We have done an automotive gear box for one of designs assignments. This design gear box has different speed ratio ran by gears. A simple definition of gearbox that is known as a metal box contains gears in the vehicle. To be more precise in the meaning of gearbox we can classify it as; the centerpiece of a transmission system in vehicles and contained gear train, or a mechanical unit or component consisting of a series of integrated gears within a housing. The gears inside the gearbox helps to alter speed from one ratio to another. Hence, gears can be any number of many types of gears. Many factors limit the number usage of gears in the system such as the power of transmission the cars and etcetera. In the following photo you can see the gear box that we have designed using INVENTOR.
(5) Our senior project was about “Environmentally Friendly Sea Cleaner”. This environmentally friendly sea cleaner is the one and only sea cleaner built in Bahrain. This Environmentally friendly sea cleaner is powered by solar panels, as it is a clean energy and less harm to the environment that is ran in. The sea cleaner collect the waste from the sea by conveyer belt. The following link has the video that shows the project in real life. Environmentally Friendly Sea Cleaner
This following photo shows the INVENTOR design of our SeaCleaner.
Other 3D design software¶
As I have some background in 3D design I have tried some other programs such as Fusion360. As this software is also powered by the same company which is AutoDesk, both programs have similar features. The following photos show some of the designed I done.
Pulley Bracket design
Other 3D program is OpenSCAD, this program is using codes to perform the desired design. As codes ease the design editing processes to some of the complex design that need further modifications. But I am not that good in coding the design I am working on, but visualizing the design more. One of my works in OpenSCAD is shown in he following picture.
My Opinion¶
As both Fusion360 and INVENTOR are the same, I have chosen Inventor as the software I am suitable to work with. Inventor has more advanced tools than Fusion360. And OpensCAD is a complicated design software which is easy to the users that can visualize things easier using codes.
Other 2D design software¶
We have learned more about the difference between the raster and the vector video in simple words but the following linked YouTube video has cleared the idea more. Vector vs Rater Graphics
Using AutoCAD can be helpful in converting the raster graphics design to a vector graphic design. Other online software can be beneficial to. as Vectormagic website can perform.
As my experiment in InkScape I have tried to do many designs, As I see this software is good for graphic design applications. As it is a simple software that do the work for simple 2D illustrating design.
Cuttle is a software that goes under trial. The software performs 2D design. I have done some of designs using the software. In my opinion, Cuttle has different features where we can design the desired part. The Following designs is performed using Cuttle.
My Opinion¶
In my opinion Cuttle is the program which I think is more suitable for me to use. As it has more flexible features than InkScape.