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1. Project management

This week I will be discussing the construction of the website that will be used to document my weekly assignments proposed by Fab Academy.

What is Git?

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance.

What is Gitlab?

Gitlab is basically an open-source collaborative software that enables us to preform all the required tasks where also it allows us to run and edit our website easily. Also, it has evolved with strong community support and growth, handling thousands of users on a single server and several.

What is MkDocs?

MkDocs is a static site generator designed for building documentation websites. Written in the Python programming language, MkDocs is an open-source project with a lot of community support.

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a markup language used to create formatted text, typically for publishing on the internet. If you’re not familiar, a markup language refers to a system that includes syntax elements that adjust the appearance of, but do not appear in, the final document.

How to Edit the Website?

First of all, we have to create an account in Fablab and getting an access to Gitlab.

After signing in, The following steps can be followed in order to edit the website:

1- Click on the project to get into your site for Fab Academy

2- Click on the file that you want to edit and then press on (Open in Web IDE)

3- After finishing the edit you have to make sure that you click on (Create commit > commit to master branch> commit)

Note: These steps should be followed in each time that you will edit something

How to Upload a Picture:

1- first go to the (Images) folder:

2- press on the three dots and click on (upload file) and then choose the picture that you want to upload:

3- Now you have to locate the picture simply by writing this code:

4- after that, do a commit steps and the picture will appear in the website directly

1 First we have to click on (mkdocs file):

2- Then the first section is about the header and footer, so all what we have to do is to write our names as shown below:

3- the results will be shown on the website as:

How to Change the Colors of the website:

1- the following codes are used in order to change the colors:

where scheme controls the background color of the website, primary controls the colors of the top navigation bar and the accent color controls the colors of all the interactable elements

and these the colors that I choose for my website:

the results:

Last update: July 28, 2022