6. Large format CNC (computer controlled Machining)¶
this week i worked on computer controlled machining CNC ,and i learnd how to use the machine ,and what program that i can use for .
what is computer controlled Machining?.¶
CNC machining is a manufacturing process in which pre-programmed computer software dictates the movement of factory tools and machinery. The process can be used to control a range of complex machinery, from grinders and lathes to mills and routers. With CNC machining, three-dimensional cutting tasks can be accomplished in a single set of prompts.
why i choose this design¶
i choose this design because i can test the concept of finger joint, because i wanted to to made something big
group assignment¶
first i used fusions360 to design my design¶
for me i designed a shoes shelf
after i made all the parts i added a finger joints to the parts to connect the parts all together¶
after that i disassembled the parts to take te surface area and send it the cutting program .¶
for the CNC machine operation¶
After the group experiments and some attempts, we made sure that the appropriate feeds is (120) and the good speed is (14000)
CAM tool path¶
first i send the design by Gmail to the CNC computer
then i choosed the profile tool path
then i choose the settings i want
her i controlled the depth and the number of paths of the tool
then i used the program that controls the CNC machine¶
problems that i faced¶
one of the problems that i faced ,that while i was connecting the parts together by the finger joints,it didn’t fit and it was bigger,but after asking my supervisor he told me that it should be a little bit bigger so it be fixed together .
and this the final result