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Computer Controlled Cutting

The third week in the FabLab Academy is where all the practical work starts. I am expected to understand the processes involved using the vinyl cutter machine and the laser cutter machine. In addition to developing a parametric construction kit by design a press-fit model, then cutting it using the laser cutter machine.

Vinyl Cutter Machine

Vinyl cutting machines enable the user to cut out many designs that may used in stickers, t-shirts, etc. The vinyl machine that I have used this week is to print stickers. It can be used to print on multiple materials, such as papers, poster board, and bonded fabric.

The following steps took place in order to get the final product:

  1. Design 2D Drawing using Cuttle software.
  2. Open the design created in Circuit Design Space software.
  3. Make sure the background of the design is removed.
  4. Fix the design on the simulated circuit sheet on the software.
  5. Place the plain sticker pad on the circuit sheet.
  6. Enter the plain sticker pad into the vinyl cutter machine.
  7. Choose the Vinyl option on the machine.
  8. Press the button to start cutting.

Laser Cutter Machine

The laser engraving machine is the best. It is a professional laser cutter and it is perfect for wood, paper, leather, etc. For this week, the cardboard is used to create a parametric construction kit.

Press-fit Joint Trial

In order to get the perfect fit for the parametric construction kit, a press-fit joint trial is designed using Fusion360 to test the most appropriate fit.

We firstly have been introduced to how to use the parametric table on Fusion360 (Modify > Parametric table). It makes everything easier! Once you set-up a certain measurement for several pieces, and then decide to change it, you just need to change the measurement from the table and it will be automatically changed for all selected pieces.

Our team designed a trial piece to test the best joint size, we have started with 6 mm, reduced 0.05 each time, until we ended up with 5.45 mm.

After designing the piece, we used the laser cutter machine to cut it. Before we initiate cutting, we made sure that the thickness of the material is measured (z-axis) to avoid errors and imperfectly-cutted shapes. The following shots illustrate the process of cutting it using the laser cutter machine.

After testing the joints one by one, the perfect fit was found to be 5.55 mm. And here is how the final press-fit joint trial looks like!

Parametric Construction Kit

Each individual is required to design and print a parametric construction kit. I personally have been always wanting to make my own vase. So this was :sparkles: my time to shine :sparkles:!

Fusion360 is used to design the vase. The vase basically consists of 12 pieces. In which ten are for the stand and are repeated, and the remaining two are differently sized gears to hold the stand. The fit demonstrated earlier which is found to be 5.55mm has been used here as well for the press-fit joints between the stand and the base.

Tap on the image to view the 3D model.

After designing the 3D model, I started the process of cutting the pieces using the laser cutter machine. All the steps mentioned on the previous section are performed here. The whole process of cutting did not take much long, it only took about 3 minutes! Before running the machine, we made sure that we are few steps away from it as a safety procedure.

Hero Shot

And finally, I introduce to you, The Vase!

Last update: April 17, 2022