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5. 3D Printing and Scanning

This week we were introduced to 3D Printing and Scanning.

3D Printing

“It is the action or process of making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many thin layers of a material in succession.”

3D Printing Materials

There are variety of 3D printing materials and each one of them has different features and applications. PLA (polylactic acid) is the most used one in the lab as it is the easiest FDM material to print, rigid, strong, biodegradable, and odorless.

3D Printing Machines

There are several types of 3D printers such as; FDM, SLA, DLP, SLS, etc.

“FDM technology is currently the most popular 3D printing technology that construct objects layer by layer from the very bottom up by heating and extruding thermoplastic filament.”

Key: 1. Filament 2. Filament Driver (Extruder) 3. Heated Nozzle 4. Model 5. Build Platform / Bed

Ultimaker Cura

After learning about 3D printing theoretically, we downloaded Ultimaker Cura software.

Here, I added the printer which I’m going to work on “Creality Ender-3” which is the black one in the lab. Also, I made sure that the material is “PLA” and the nozzle size is 0.4mm (It is usually PLA and 0.4mm by default).

Then, I opened the files which I downloaded previously from thingiverse website after pressing the file logo on the left-hand side.

After modifying the print settings, we started the slicing which ended showing the total required time for the 3D printing.

Print Settings: 1. Infill = 100 2. Material / Printing Temperature = 215 / Build Plate Temperature = 60 3. Speed = 50 4. Build Plate Adhesion = Brim


While Ultimaker Cura was downloading, we opened the Thingiverse website and searched for “3D Printer Test”.

We chose this blue model and downloaded all files.

3D Model

For the individual assignment, I chose Sketch Up software to model the object that I am going to 3D print later on.

First, I collected multiple pictures and I was super excited to model them and see them physically in real life!

However, when I started to actually model them I struggled here and there. Some of them did not work on that small scale (Max. 7x7x10cm), and some of them I did not know how to model parts of them as you can see in the images below.

As for that, I decided to model something easier and more useful, which is a polygon box.

Here I realized that this box can be easily constituted by subtraction. Hence, I made polygon holes on two faces of the box.

After that, I saved the file as (.stl) and opned it with Ultimaker Cura. Finally, I adjusted the scale and settings, started the slicing, and prepared it for 3D printing.

Preview the box model below in 3D ^_^

Download the box model below in 3D ^_^



Personal Opinion

Group Assignment:

  • Ultimaker printer (the black model) is the best in terms of accuracy and hardness.
  • Creality Ender-3 printer (the red model) is useful where fineness is not crucial. For example, 3D printing of study models.
  • Original Prusa i3 printer (the white model) has a visually pleasing finishing. However, that might be because of the filament color.

Individual Assignment:

  • I wish that I had enough time to design the polygon holes all over the box.
  • I am not really satisfied with the final outcome, because I think it is achievable with different machines and I did not take the advantage of the 3D printer to its fullest.

3D Scanning

“3D scanning converts physical objects into precise digital models, enabling you to quickly and accurately capture your object’s shape and geometries.”

3D Scanning Applications

  1. Qlone / Download
  2. Scandy Pro / Download
  3. Trnio Plus (recommended by the instructor) / Download

3D Scanning Using Qlone

I took a random object from the lab, placed it on the 3D scanning paper, and started the 3D scanning process.

This is the final outcome.

Personal Opinion

  • The result of 3D scanning using Qlone application was not accurate.


3D Printers Online Store. (n.d.). FILAMENTO - World’s Next Generation 3D Printer Material. [online] Available at: Click Here [Accessed 7 Jun. 2022].

Kseniia Snikhovska (2018). Kseniia Snikhovksa. [online] Pen and Plastic. Available at: Click Here [Accessed 7 Jun. 2022]. (2019). What Is 3D Scanning | Laser Design. [online] Available at: Click Here [Accessed 8 Jun. 2022].

Last update: August 16, 2022