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Project Management

How I make About Me Page

How to use Markdown

Markdown is an easy-to-use markup language that is used with plain text to add formatting elements (headings, bulleted lists, URLs) to plain text without the use of a formal text editor or the use of HTML tags. Markdown is device agnostic and displays the writing format consistently across device types[1].

First Step

Search for Markdown Live Preview in Google, then click on Markdown Live.Preview.

Second Step

Edit the code and you will see the change.

How I make About Me Page from Markdown and Mkdocs.

First Step

I downloaded Atom from Google by Search and then click on the first option.

Second Step

I saved the code in notepad as a text file then I saved it in

Third Step

I open file from Atom and run it

Fourth Step

I downloaded Mkdocs, pip and Python.

I downloaded Python from Microsoft Store.

For pip installed by default. you just need to upgrade pip to the lasted version and you can do that by using PowerShell.

Open PowerShell and write down pip install –upgrade pip

Finally, you can download Mkdocs agene by using PowerShell write down pip install mkdocs

Fifth Step

Run file by using Mkdocs.

First, open PowerShell and write down cd and the path for the file

copy the http link and write down in Google chrome

How to Make the Website online by using GitLab and Git Bash

To begin, you need to register on GitLab, and there are two methods available for registration. The first method involves direct registration through the GitLab website. The second method is to follow the fablab link to register on GitLab.

Next, you will need to download Git Bash in order to upload the files.

After logging in to GitLab, navigate to the “Projects” section and select the project that is related to Fablab Bahrain.

Copy the link provided under the “Clone with HTTPS” section.

To proceed, open Git Bash and enter the command “git clone” followed by the link you copied earlier. Then, press Enter to initiate the cloning process.


To upload files using Git Bash, follow the steps below and press Enter after each command:

  1. Change your current directory to the project directory using the command:
  1. Navigate to the specific directory where the file is located using the command:
  1. Add the files you want to upload to the staging area by executing the command:
git add
  1. Commit the changes with a descriptive message by using the command:
git commit -m "Your commit message"
  1. Push the changes to the GitLab repository using the command:
git push

After entering each command, press Enter to execute it.

The Result

Last update: October 2, 2023