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Project Designs Test

We print all Option of designs and test them. We find first option is the best option.

First Option

We test First Option at Thursday an week 2 and we find it can work with 5V and smoothly so we choose to sick with it.

Second Option

For Second Option after ew print it we try to move it by hand and it was impossible to move it so we connected with scissor and barley can move it. Then we connect the circuit using NANO Arduino and motor drive L298N and stepper motor. Then we test the circuit and it was not working so the leader of the group choose to go with adafruit motor because it is simpler circuit and need short code to run it but unfortunately we burn adafruit Feather nRF52840 by connected with 12V by mistake so we try the first circuit and it was working fine :). After we connected with the design it was impossible for the stepper motor to move the design so we test the design with dc motor and sported with 16 V to just move the design smoothly but the pump barley pump water so we choose to ignore it. But if we think abut it for first time it was impossible to run it bay hand so of cores it will need stronger motor than stepper motor 12 V so it was form binging a failure option.

Third Option

Third Option it was a pump billed it by previse group and we try it for first time we connect the spinner and broke so we try to fined the design to print it, but we cant fined it so we print it again and the size of spinner was small so we a jest the size and try it again and it was barley pump water.

Last update: August 14, 2023