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3D Printer

A 3D printer is a type of printer that creates three-dimensional objects by depositing successive layers of material in accordance with a digital design or model. Unlike traditional printers that produce flat images on paper, 3D printers can construct physical objects with height, width, and depth.

3D Printing

Fusion 360

For individual assignment I use Fusion 360 to 3D design and this some of images of the 3D design. The object I designed cannot be easily made using subtractive methods like laser cutting. This is because the design has intricate details, complex shapes, and may require specific material properties that are better suited for additive manufacturing, such as 3D printing. Laser cutting works better for simpler shapes and struggles with complex geometries and internal structures. Therefore, the design is more suitable for additive manufacturing due to its complexity and material requirements.

To download the 3D design as F3D file click her.

To download the 3D design as STL file click her.


We use PrusaSlicer to change the file from Fusion 360 to code can the machine understand it and print the design.

PrusaSlicer is a slicing software used in the field of 3D printing. It is developed and maintained by Prusa Research, a well-known company in the 3D printing community. PrusaSlicer is primarily designed to work with Prusa Research’s own line of 3D printers, such as the Original Prusa i3 series, but it is also compatible with other printers.Slicing software plays a crucial role in the 3D printing process. It takes a 3D model, typically in the form of an STL (Standard Tessellation Language) file, and converts it into a set of instructions that the 3D printer can understand. These instructions include details like layer height, print speed, support structures, infill density, and many other parameters that determine how the object will be printed.

Ultimaker 2

We use Ultimaker 2 to print the 3D design.

The Ultimaker 2 is a 3D printer produced by Ultimaker, a reputable manufacturer in the field of additive manufacturing. It is part of the Ultimaker line of 3D printers and was released as an upgrade to its predecessor, the Ultimaker Original.

The material we used is PLA.

PLA (Polylactic Acid) is a popular thermoplastic filament used in 3D printing. It is derived from renewable resources such as cornstarch, sugarcane, or tapioca root, making it a more environmentally friendly option compared to some other plastics.

Finial Result

I need to sanding the axles to fit in the tires and in the car.

The 3D design for Group Assignment

I use Ultimaker Thingiverse site to download the design which I choose from the site. I choose Baby Groot Keychain [1]. For more details about group assignment you can visit [Ali Naser website.]

To download the 3D design as stl file click her.

3D Scanning

We use Skanect and the PC was connected to scanner in original use for Xbox 360 to scanning.

After we open Skanect we go to Prepare then New then start.

We need to check and make the screen of destines sensor all green and also green if we do 360.

And by using process we can full the holes and make it with color.

After we finish the scanning we export the file and for the finial result the images is below.

To download the 3D design as stl file click her.

Last update: October 5, 2023