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Week04 Project Gears and new design

Gears, Motors & Conclusion

For the Gears theory, it was a bit complicated and lacking in a sense (does not give as much as it takes), some points were uncertain and designing the gears angle, division of gears angle was uncertain to a point.
Img Of Theory

After getting the theory, taking opinions of each member and supervisor, we reached the conclusion that we disapprove the use of the gears as it requires us to use stronger motors for more rotation angle (Micro Servo Motor can not support the full rotation for LDR as it requires to be more than 180 degrees and it barely makes it).

Instead we chose to start with the points we have learned into a new design that is much lighter with the improvements we made into the first one.

The New Design

This Design was taken from an online website for The IoT Projects, it does support the motion for solar tracking LDRs Img Of Parts Img Of Full Design


  • Light and easy to make and transport
  • Supports the use of micro servo motors for all motion
  • Positions of the micro servo motors are known and reserved


  • the design is not made to support high objects
  • the design does not fully support the use of our concept for the project (made for solar tracking not mirrors)
  • LDR shadows the mirror at noon
  • Issue converting the size of the design (parameters)


  • Can design a corner to put the LDR or make the Mirror be on a high ground (adjustments)
  • Can make adjustments to use the design to support our concept and mirror
  • Parameters of the design are obtainable and measurable

3D Design

Img Of P4 Img Of P3 Img Of P2 Img Of P1


  • 3D printing the design
  • Creating the Floor for the project
  • heat-shrinking the LDRs to wires to simplify the circuit and make it lighter
  • Implementing right left rotation (sunrise/ sunset)

Last update: August 7, 2023