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Computer Aided design

This weeks main objective was to design a 2D and 3D models using at least two software’s

We were given software’s to choose between :

For the 2D design I personally chose:


For this simple pump design i started by using a big box as th electrical power source and hen addedthe buttons/screen and two lines that represents wires, also i used a cylinder as my pump and two houreglass as cups that contains liquids.


step 1: download GIMP

step2: open new file and change the template to what’s in your favor, I personally changed my x and y resolution to 300 just in case I want to print my design in the future and my precision to 32-bi floating-point.

step3: add guides to make it easy to center your design, and that’s by clicking of image -> guides –> new guide (by percent) –> set the horizontal and vertical to 50 (position)

step4: Start designing

step5:select ellipse tool

step 6:click ctrl shift to have you circle in the center

step 7:go to the edit menu bar and select (FG color)

step8:you’ll have your circle looking like this

step9:then go to select –> none

step 10:repeat steps 5 to 6 again but make the circle smaller

step11:press delete

step12:then go to select –> none

step13:press the creat new layer icon down on the right and then press ok

step14:select the rectangle tool

step15:press crlt shift to have in in the center

step16:dreag you square from the center then click crlt shift

step17: go to edit menu up left choose FG colors

step18:then go to select –> none

step19: draw another square

step20:press delete

step21: then go to select –> none

step22: select the rotate tool

step23:click on the square amd press shift

step24: press enter

step25: create new layer

step26:add text

step27:Add your name or anything you want

For the 3d design i chose

1-tinker CAD

step1: open Tinkercad

step2: click create to start a new design

step3:click on 3D

step4: display a cube

step5:expand the base to 50x50

step6: reduce the height to 10

step7: display a traiangle

step8: rotate 90 degrees around the y axis

step9: reduce the height to 6

step10:move it to the center

step11:display a frame

step11: change the dimentions to 50x50

step11:reduce the height to 3


Review vecter and Tinker CAD were super simple to the point i felt they will not help in any way if you want a profitional design where both fusion 360 and GIMP are exellent and there are alot of tutirials online using them.

Last update: September 10, 2023