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Computer Controlled cutting

Laser cutting works by focusing the power of a high-power laser onto the surface of the material to be cut. The energy in the laser beam is absorbed into the surface of material, and the energy of the laser is converted into heat, which melts or vaporizes the material. Laser cutting is mainly a thermal process in which a focused laser beam is used to melt material in a localised area. A co-axial gas jet is used to eject the molten material and create a kerf. A continuous cut is produced by moving the laser beam or workpiece under CNC control.

Group assignment:

characterize your lasercutter’s kerf and joint clearance please look ..... for the group assignment

Individual assignment:

For the Individual assignment Design, lasercut, and document a parametric construction kit, accounting for the lasercutter kerf, which can be assembled in multiple ways.

How does the laser cutting machine works?

Laser cutting machine involves firing a laser, which thereby cuts the materials by melting, burning or vaporizing them. It can cut almost every material, from thin thickness boards to thicker ones.

Safety rules

Before using the machine make ure you read the safety rules carefully, which includes: 1-Always keeping the door cosed When machine is working. 2- Stay away from he machine. 3-In case of any inconvinence press the red button and turn off the electricity source of possible

My design :

step1: creat sketch

step2:choose y-z axis

step3:choose center rectangle

step4: Draw a 20x20mm square

step5: draw a 10x2 rectangle on each one of the 4 edges using a center rectangle again

step6: Select the trim tool

step7: trim the outside lines

step8: done


These are the steps that are taken, before starting the laser cutting process.

step1: choose your starting point from th x, y and z buttons on the machine.

2- step2: choose the oringin and make sure the laser tip dosent go outside the desired area to avoid unproper results.

3- step3: select the desired file andthen press enter.

4-step 4: FRAME: Frame is used for seeing whether the piece that has to be cut, fits or comes within the material or goes outside of it.

5-step5: press start andfollow the safety rules

Last update: September 12, 2023