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8. Moulding and casting

This week I worked on making moulds using mill machine and silicon.


We worked on testing various materials for making moulds or final products and we tested them. here are the details.

Material 1

aterial name: RTV2 SILICONE RUBBER


Safety: It is skin-contact safe, durable, flexible, and soft to the touch.

Process steps: 1. Mixing the two components According to the mixing ratio 10:1 or 1:1 weighting A and B, the two components may be thoroughly mixed either by hand or using a low-speed electric to minimize the degassing of bubbles and to avoid any temperature increase. Note: It is also possible to use a special mixing and dispensing machine for the silicone components, further information is available upon request.

  1. Molding The mixture should be degassed preferably at 30 to 50 mbar to eliminate any entrapped air. If a dispensing machine is used, the two components are degassed separately prior to mixing. The silicone mixture expands to 3-4 times of its initial volume and bubbles rise to the surface. The bubbles progressively disappear and the mixture returns to its initial volume after 5 to 10 minutes. Wait a few minutes to complete the degassing and then flash the vacuum. The silicone is ready for pouring, either by gravity or under low pressure.

Note: Flashing the vacuum once or twice accelerates the degassing. It is recommended to use a container with a high diameter/height ratio (3 to 4 times of the initial volume)

  1. Polymerisation The curing may be slowed down at lower temperature or accelerated by applying heat.

Mix ratio (if applicable): 1:1

Work time Cure time 30~40 Minutes 4~6 Hours

Cured material state: Translucent\ Flexible

Datasheet and sources:

Process pictures and comments:

Step 1: Taking 11 grams of each component image-36.png Step 2: Mixing the two components
Step 3: I poured the mixture into the container

Material 2

Material name: Oatmeal melt and pour soap base Picture:

Safety: Gloves + mask Process steps: 1- melt to 60-70 c° 2- add desired additives 3- pour into the mould Mix ratio (if applicable): N/A

Work time Cure time N/A (60 c°) 4-6 hours

Cured material state: solid

Material 3

Material name: JEPSON Picture:

Safety: STORE IN DRY covered space. Disposal of packaging and any excess material to be done in accordance With local regulation.

Process steps:

Clean the surface and remove all loose particles such as laitance, grease, oil, fungal/algae, growth, mould release agent

Minimum 2 Hr. interval should be kept between fist and secOn coat of putt Build up thickness in multiple thin layersy two coats it seCoud not exceed 2.5mm. Allow the second/ final coat to dry over Sand the second/ find coat of dry putty using emery paper ye: 200 or 220. Apply one coat of Berger Primer (as recommended) before ommencing the final coat of paint.

Mix ratio (if applicable): 4-5 parts of water to 10 parts of dry putty,

Work time Cure time 5-20 MIN 2 HR

Cured material state: SOLID Datasheet and sources Links:N/A Process pictures and comments:

Result pictures:



Material 4

Material name: Graffiti Resin - Multi Use Picture:

Safety: Keep away from kids. Stored in dry place, in original container sealed at temperatures 20-25oC. Don’t swallow. Wear face masks (for pregnants). Wear protective gloves. If swallowed call the doctor. If contacted with the eyes rinse with water for several minutes. CAUTION: It can cause allergic skin reaction. Process steps: Mix Resin with Hardener according to the mix ratio. Use digital scale for measurement. Stir the mixture for 3 minutes. Pour the mixture and spread it over the project. Don’t leave the mixture more than 10 minutes in the cups.

Mix ratio (if applicable): 10 g Resin : 6 g Hardener

Work time Cure time 45 minutes after pouring

Dries after 24 hours. Hardens in 48h.

Cured material state: Hard and dry. Datasheet and sources Links:

Code Example

Use the three backticks to separate code.

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second


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Last update: June 21, 2023