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Week 5 3D scanning and printing

group task (3D print test)

thingiverse is a website the provides 3D designs that can be downloaded then printed, in this group task, a design from this website is to be downloaded and printed.

Design chosen

Ali shaway and I printed this design with a 20% infill on (ultimaker 2+), it took 4 hours and 38 minutes to be fully printed.

more information about the design - more information can be found on my classmate’s website.

Individual Task

phone stand

Firstly, the design is drawn on fusion 360 using lines and curves. Then we use the thin extrude (40 mm ) on the design to achieve the following design. An error was made during the drawing of the design as there was a gap not connecting his legs as shown below.

After using pull feature and fillet, I was able to fix the problem, here is the design on the prusa slicer.

And here is the design while printing. It took 5 hours to print on the ultimaker 2+ printer. Here is the final product. Here is the product testing. 3D scanning and printing

Last update: August 14, 2023