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Week 6 Input & Output Devices

This week’s task is to program an input device,output device and both to work together.

Input device

The input device is a bigsound microphone, in order to program it first thing is to connect the wires correctly to the microcontroller, below is the setup. Secondly, a code is needed to program the device so i used arduino software to interact with the microcontroller, below is the Code. Lastly, we connect the microcontroller to the laptop and upload the above code, we are good to go since we have the full setup. TESTING VIA YOUTUBE

Output device

The Output device is a servo motor, below is the wire setup for the servo motor connected to the microcontroller. And this is the code needed to run the servo motor, Note# the pos in the code is the speed of the servo motor, the += is the clockwise speed and the -= is the anticlockwise speed. TESTING VIA YOUTUBE

Input & Output

The task here is to send the data onto the input device which is in this case is the microphone and the output device (servo motor) acts according to the data recieved, below is the setup.
The code is taken from github where if the sound of the microphone reaches 20 , the servo motor moves. TESTING VIA YOUTUBE

Last update: August 24, 2023