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Microsoft Excel

1. Data Cleaning and Formulas

  • Apply data cleaning best practices, including working with NULLs.

  • Conduct exploratory analyses.

  • Experiment with common Excel formulas.

2. Referencing and Lookups

  • Build relationships between cells in Excel.

  • Manipulate data sets using VLOOKUP.

  • Look up values in other tables using INDEX and MATCH.

3. Aggregating Data and Pivot Table

  • Apply Excel aggregation functions to data sets.

  • Use PivotTables to summarize data.

  • Create modifiable data structures using regular tables to increase efficiency.

4. Visualizations in Excel

5. Excel Project

Kickstarter Campaign

  • Analyzed the factors affecting the success of Kickstarter projects and discover trends in funding behavior.

Last update: March 11, 2025