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1. Project Management

In the first week I started working on my own website by using Visual Studio Code Software. As an IT student, I’m familiar with this software so I used it directly and started to add the basic things that FAB LAB Academy asked us to do

1. First of all, FAB LAB administrators asked us to create an account in FAB to have our own website

2. Then they taught us about MKdocs and how to install it. Mkdocs required PYTHON and I already have it, so I skipped this part. Then I did these steps.

3. And this was the last part for installation.

4. Moreover, we have to create Mkdocs file with yml format and serve it by using PowerShell. Next, it shows the IP for the local website to preview it.

Joining (fabcloud) and publish our local website and these are the steps:

1- First click {Clone} on the profile home page.

2- Then conpy the HTTPS link and put it in GitBash

3- Do this steps to push the new things and wait around 5 mins to see the update.

Git add . Git commit -m “any name” Git push

1.1 How do MKdocs work?

MKDocs is a free and open-source static site generator for creating documentation websites out of Markdown files. User may use MKDocs to create a website with a table of contents, navigation, and a search feature after writing documentation in Markdown style. The resulting website is simple to host on a web server or a cloud service. its simplicity makes it a good choice for producing documentation websites for small businesses.

1.2 Explain the difference between HTML and Markdown?

Markdown is not a programming language and does not allow advanced features such as loops, conditionals, or variables. HTML, on the other hand, is a more complex markup language that is used to create web pages. It enables more functionality, such as multimedia features, forms, and interactive content. HTML is more difficult to read and write than Markdown, and it takes more expertise and experience to utilize efficiently. Markdown’s simplicity and ease of use are two of its key advantages, whereas HTML is more powerful and adaptable but also more complex and difficult to understand. Markdown is frequently used for easy web content creation, but HTML is utilized for more complicated web development projects.

Last update: September 4, 2023