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Problem St & Objectives

People who take care of indoor plants face a challenge in monitoring the surrounding conditions of the plants, and the plant may be exposed to deficiencies or increased needs, such as watering. Furthermore, due to the busyness of life, essential tasks required to care for plants, such as monitoring, watering, and providing suitable growing conditions, often get neglected. Therefore, implementing this project will save time and monitor the health of the plants. The system will measure the surrounding conditions of the plants instead of relying on physical checking. The measurements can be accessed through a website hosted on AWS Cloud.


The project aims to achieve the following objectives:

1- To build a low-cost system that take real-time readings for temperature, and percentage level of humidity, soil moisture, and room brightness.

2- Rely on real-time sensors instead of manual checking.

3- To decrease water and energy usage.

4- To notify user by email when the soil moisture is dry.

5- To create user-friendly graphs to present the readings in an easily understandable format by using AWS services.

Last update: November 4, 2024