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3. Computer controlled cutting

This week I worked on learning computer-controlled cutting using laser-cutting and vinyl cutting.

Laser Cutting

What is a Laser Cutting?

Laser cutting is a kind of thermal seperation process. The laser beam strikes the surface of the material and and heats it so intensely that it melts or vaporizes completely.

Group Work

As group, we tested the most suitable setting (power & speed) for the material we are using, then we determined most suitable measurements for the joints in order to make a press-fit objects.

You can find all the details in my colleague page.

Individual Work

For the individual work, the task was to design a parametric press-fit design and then cut it using the laser cutter. My idea was to make a rocket-shaped lampshade using press-fit parametric designs.

Notes: - Press-fit means that the pieces could be assembled in different ways.

  • Parametric means that the design could be changed just by changing one parameter.

Designing Process

  • I used Cuttle to do my design. To make the lampshade, 3 basic shapes had to be designed.

  • I designed the first shape using a striaght line and a curved line. Then I add 2 joints using the rectangle shape.

  • To design the second shape, I duplicated the first shape and just added a triangle at the bottom of the shape.

  • To merge the triangle with the first shape, I press Modify then Boolean Union.

  • I added a star inside the triangle.

  • The third shape is a circle with 12 joints. I repeated the rectangle using the Rational Repeat feature.

  • I added a smaller circle inside the first one for the shape to be hollow so that I can plug in the light bulb later.

Cutting Process

  • I saved the file as DXF and opened it in the computer connected to the laser cutter.

  • I dupplicate the first shape 9 times, the scond shape 3 times, and the third shape twice.

  • Then I specified the speed to 30 and power to 35, which are the valued that we found perfect for the material we are using.

  • Finally, I downloaded the design in the laser cutter and uploadded it fo the machine to start cutting.

Final Result

The final result does not look like a rocket at all, because the design I had in mind could not be done with parametric shapes.

Vinyl Cuuting

What is Vinyl Cutting?

Vinyl cutting is the act of creating a design then sending that design through to a vinyl cutter, which will cut out your design using a blade on sheets of vinyl. Once the vinyl cutter has done its work, you then need to remove the cut vinyl sheets and transfer the final design onto wherever you want it to go.


Steps on the desktop

  • I started with downloading CRICUT app for the desktop, which is for the vinyl cutter I will be using.

  • I needed to make new account as I did not have one. The account is useful as a cloud to save all the edits and uploaded projects on Cricut.

  • I pressed on “New Project” then “Upload” and finally “Upload image” to upload my design.

  • After uploading the design, I had to specify the image type wether it is Simple, Moderately Complex or Complex.

  • After that, I removed the background using the background remover tool.

  • I selected the Upload Type to be “Cut Image”.

  • I added my design to Canvas and specified its size and place.

  • Finally, I pressed on “Make it” then “Continue”.

Steps on the vinyl cutter

  • First, I connected my laptop to the cutter with USB.

  • I Pressed open for the vinyl cutter to open, then I put the material to be cut on a sticking board.
  • NOTE: Make sure the material is placed the same place the design is placed in the canvas on the Circut app.

  • I Pressed the two arrows sign for the board to be placed and fixed in the cutter.
  • After making sure everything is in place, I pressed pressing button with the letter C to start cutting.

  • When the cut was done, I started removing the unwanted\extra parts.

Final Result


Last update: July 3, 2023