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6. Large format CNC (computer controlled Machining)

This week I worked on testing the CNC machine and designing and cutting a big product with it.


What is computer numerical control (CNC)?

CNC stands for computer numerical control and these machines play an important role in the manufacturing industry. These complex machines are controlled by a computer and provide a level of efficiency, accuracy and consistency that would be impossible to achieve through a manual process.

For what we use CNC machine?

In a CNC machine, pre-programmed computer programs determine the movement of the factory machines and tools. As a result, manufacturers can produce parts in less time, reduce waste, and eliminate the risk of human error.


Group Assignment

In the group assignment we learned about how the CNC works, safety in using CNC, and about the speed of the spindle.

You can find all the details in my colleague page.

Individual Assignment

For the individual assignment, we had to design and create a piece of furniture. The most important condition for this assignment was the use of joints only. We were not allowed to assemble the result with screws or glue and should rely solely on the joints we make using the wood itself.

Designing Process

My idea was to design an arched display stand. I drew a simple sketch to determine the dimensions and all the details of the design. The design consists of 3 main parts: The main body (the stand), the bases, and the shelves.

I used Fusion 360 to design the product following these steps:

NOTE: Add all the parameters before starting new sketch

  • Step 1: I drew a rectangle with a length of 1300 mm and a width of 800 mm.

  • Step 2: I drew a circle with a diameter of 800 mm at the top of the rectangle, then removed the extra edges using the trim tool in order to create an arch.

  • Step 3: I created a joint by drawing a 200mm long by 12mm wide rectangle to place the shelves.

  • Step 4: I repeated the joint rectangle 4 times and made sure that the distance between each two rectangles is 250 mm using the move tool.

  • Step 5: I removed all the unwanted edges using the trim tool.

  • Step 6: To create the bases, I drew a circle with a diameter of 400 mm and then I drew a line in the middle and removed the bottom part of the circle to get a semi-circle shape. I also add a joint in each base by drawing a 100mm long by 12mm wide rectangle.

  • Step 8: To create the shelves, I drew a 400 mm long by 300mm wide rectangle. Then, I added a joint using a 200 mm long by 12mm wide rectangle. I repeated the shape 4 times to have 4 shelves.

Cutting Process

To begin the fabrication process, it’s recommended to import the DXF file into VCarve Pro. This software allows you to create a toolpath that specifies the cutting tool’s movements and ensures that the design is accurately translated into the final product.

It’s important to verify that the design is free of any errors, such as open vectors or duplicate vectors stacked on top of one another. These errors can negatively impact the final product and may result in the need for additional fabrication or correction.

To prevent any movement of the components while generating the pocket, it is recommended to start the toolpath cutting process with the pocket and then proceed with the cutting. This ensures that the components are held securely in place and prevents any shifting that may occur during the cutting process.

In order to ensure that the cutting process is accurate, the number of passes for the drill should be set appropriately. For instance, if the material is relatively thick, it may be necessary to make multiple passes to ensure that the cutting is completed accurately.

Additionally, it’s important to set the depth of cut to an appropriate level. This ensures that the cutting tool penetrates the material to the necessary depth without causing damage or breaking the tool.

When creating joints for the project, I utilized the dog-bone technique. This technique is an effective way to join vertical plates with horizontal plates without worrying about the radius left by the cutting tool. The size of the dog bones needed is determined based on the thickness and size of the parts being joined together.

The dog-bone technique involves cutting a small notch or “dog bone” out of the material, allowing the vertical and horizontal plates to fit together in a secure and stable manner. This technique is particularly useful when working with materials that may be prone to warping or movement over time.

By utilizing the dog-bone technique, I was able to create strong and reliable joints for the project without sacrificing accuracy or precision.

Final Product


Arched Display Stand

Last update: July 9, 2023