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4. Embedded programming

This week I learned about micro controllers, types of them and how to install them and do the programming for them.


I downloaded the Arduino application from the website Download Arduino

I connected it to the computer with the cable

On the top left search for the model of the arduino i am using, in my case i am using MKR 1010

I uploaded an example to work on, as a beginner I chose blink because it is simple for learning.

It takes me to a new page with the code, so i press on verify on the top left

Then upload

Easy test

For testing it, i changed the time to 5000 millisecond

Upload it again

Medium test

It is to choose a word in my case its TREE, so i can take the letters menu and see how many seconds each letter represent

Then do the code based on the letters


Download THONNY
Plug in the micro controller to the laptop and the LED to the micro controller No.3

After opening the app, go to tools then options

Select Interpreter
Press on install

Select the Target port, Micropython Family, Variant as shown in the figure below and the version will appear automatically. Then click install

After finishing uploading, press close then ok.

To see the folder that has been installed go to view then press file

Simple code

to test the timing for on and off for the LED


### Hard code

Then I made a more complicated code to add more inputs and control them by giving them specific demands.

Last update: July 25, 2024