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Final Project

For the final Project we were assigned in groups according to the type for work we choose, I chose interactive play.
Group members:
Abdulla Aqeel Janahi ‘Me’ Abdulla Hayel
Yaqoob Swaileh
Faisal Alhammadi

Project Name: Hot n Cold
Description: The idea of the game is to have two types of devices, one were you can hide which is the main device and the other kept with the players. Both devices are connected to each other so that when the player goes near the main device a red light will appear telling him that he is close to his goal. while when he is far away a blue light will appear indicating that he is far away.

Our group collected all the informations together and we did the documentation in Abdulla Hayel’s website
So this is the link to the full documntation for Hot n Cold

Last update: September 14, 2024