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5. 3D printing and scanning

In This Week’s Task, we have two task:
Group assignment:
The aim of this group assignment is to test the design rules for a 3D printer and document the findings on the document.

Individual assignment:
Design and 3D print an object that cannot be easily made through subtractive manufacturing. Additionally, 3D scan an object, prepare it for printing and optionally print the scanned object to understand the benefits of additive and 3D scanning technologies.

What is the 3D printing?

3D printing is an additive manufacturing process that creates parts by depositing successive thin layers of materials like PLA or PETG. This allows the fabrication of complex geometries that are difficult to achieve through subtractive manufacturing methods, making 3D printing a versatile technology for part production.
3D printer

What is the Scanning?

3D scanning captures the three-dimensional shape and surface of a physical object, generating digital data that precisely describes its dimensions. This enables technicians, engineers, and others to digitally examine the object, optimizing their work’s speed and precision. The scan data can also facilitate reverse-engineering or dimensional analysis.


Group Assignment

In a group, we examined different experiment models based on various settings on the 3D printer. The models were as follows:
1. Infill:
The infill setting determines the internal structure and density of a 3D printed object. Various infill patterns like grid or zig-zag can be used, which affects the part’s strength, weight, and print quality. Adjusting infill is crucial to balance factors like durability and efficiency in 3D printing.

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Shells refer to the outlines or perimeters of each layer in 3D printing. Adjusting the shell thickness in slicer settings can enhance the overall strength and durability of the printed object. Increasing shell thickness creates more robust models, making it an important parameter to optimize for desired part characteristics. Shell

3.Layer Height:
Increasing the layer height in 3D printing reduces print resolution and quality. However, taller layers can increase printing speed. The tradeoff is reduced horizontal precision, as thinner layers create finer detail. Optimizing layer height balances print time and part quality based on the specific application.
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The overhanging angle setting specifies the maximum angle, in degrees, that a 3D printed part can feature without requiring support structures. Steeper overhangs experience more gravitational forces, weakening the print. Adjusting this setting helps the slicer determine where support is needed for stable, high-quality results.

To prevent sagging in overhanging areas during 3D printing, support structures are added to the design. These temporary supports can then be broken away from the final printed object, enabling the creation of complex geometries that would otherwise be unsupported by the printing process.
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Individual assignment

For this 3D printer design project, each team member should create a complex, custom 3D printable design - one that is more intricate than what could be achieved with other manufacturing methods like CNC. The goal is to leverage the unique capabilities of 3D printing to design parts that push the boundaries of what’s possible.
Using the SolidWorks software, I will design a complex, 3D printable part for the printer project after converting it to an STI file and using Creality Print 5.1 software.
I have completed a custom 3D design using SolidWorks for the printer project.
My Desing

3D Printer

At First i will useCreality,After that Open the Creality. alt text

Now import your desing. alt text

After that use Slice Plate alt text

Next, we executed the print command, and the final result is displayed as shown.
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Note:The result was not satisfactory for me because the name was not engraved correctly, and the texture was rougher than I had hoped. The other pieces did not encounter this issue. I believe using a higher infill mode and adjusting its position in the program to reduce the need for supports would yield better results.

Last update: September 11, 2024