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1. Project management

This week I learned how to setup my website where I will be uploading all my work in the fab Lab Academy.

1 creating an account on both tamkeen and fablab websites.

2 create an account gitlab to save all my work at.

3 then we uploaded gitbash application and connect it to the website.

these are the main codes I’ve used:

Git Clone The URL you copied in step 1 to copy the URL apply these steps -press on the code button on the top right then copy the second URL link.

git config –global “FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME”

git config –global “”

4 we installed markdown preview to edit our work and see how it will appear at the same time

5 we installed code spell checker for spelling mistake.

6 we start to edit our website and add all the work

7 To resize our images we used this website.

8 To edit the name,font and color of the text: we click on mkdocs.yml and change what we want as shown in the image below

9 add social media accounts by adding the logo of the app and the link to our profile

How to make a research

First,we entered Google scholar

Seconde, we started to search and put the important points between two stars for the search to be more specific and narrowed

Third, we search for articles that we found interesting to our category which is interactive play. we read the abstracts and took out the important keywords.

Fourth,we collected the keywords as a group which were:

  • digital Technology
  • IoT
  • Video Games
  • Tangible Interaction
  • Intergenerational
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Hybrid physical/digital objects
  • Globalisation
  • Communicating with children
  • Outdoor play

Last update: July 9, 2024