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Final Project


The topic of our group is about interactive play, so we tried to choose a project related to this topic, and after a lot of research and experiments, we came up with a beautiful game that reminds us of childhood days, which is called hot and cold. Then we started working on this idea and decided to make a triangle shape that contains a . battery, micro controller and LED lighting

We did our design in fusion360 and the next pictures will show you our steps in the project


In the beginning, we chose the triangle shape for our design and fixing the cover with nails.
* this is the cover.

  • This cavity to arrange things in it.

  • Here as you see we put the battery, micro controller and LED lighting in side the part,And this is the piece that will give us a signal if we are close to the target (red light) or far from the target (blue light).

After we printed the shape through a creality printer, we found that the corners of the triangle are slightly sharp and uncomfortable to hold, so we decided to modify them.
* Here the cover.

  • Here the triangle.

  • Here the Cylindrical part.

  • Now you can see the cylindrical shape after it has been printed, which will be the part that needs to be hidden during the game.

  • Here you can see the shape from the inside.The hole in the middle is for the start and off button to preserve battery life, you will see it at the end when installing.

The circular shape will be a cover for the cylinder and the other shape will be a supporting part to install the microcontroller, battery and wires so that they do not move or separate.

Here, you see, this cylinder after we put the wires and the battery, the micro controller, and the push button that you see with blue color in the top.

Triangle cover after adjustment.

As you can see, we’ve arranged everything inside the triangle.

Then we thought of a way that shows heat and cold so we decided to design this shape.

Then we start work on it.

Here our design is ready.

After that we fixed the logo on the triangle shape by using the glue gun.

Here, as you can see, the lighting is blue (cold), which means that the target (cylindrical shape) is far from us.

Last update: September 12, 2024