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Project Development & Applied Knowledge ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ’ก

Throughout our journey, we’ve refined and improved every aspect of the AgroLink project, learning from our initial mistakes and integrating new ideas into the final design. But this project is more than just a technical challengeโ€”it’s also a reflection of everything weโ€™ve learned during our time at FabLab. From the machines to the software and the creative processes, this project is an embodiment of how far weโ€™ve come.

Our time at FabLab has given us not only technical knowledge but also a deeper understanding of how to creatively and effectively use the resources around us. Hereโ€™s how we applied the various tools and skills we learned:

3D Design & Printing

Tools: SolidWorks, Fusion, Ultimaker, Creality K1

  • Why itโ€™s important: The first step of the project involved designing custom parts such as the bird feeder base, 3D-printed valve, and sink. Without the solid foundation of 3D design software, this would have been impossible.

  • How we used it: Learning how to design with SolidWorks and Fusion helped us create functional designs that could be manufactured using the Ultimaker and Creality K1 3D printers. The ability to prototype and rework our designs physically was crucial to the improvement of AgroLink.

  • Future potential: As future engineers, mastering these design tools allows us to conceptualize ideas in both personal projects and professional careers, where the demand for rapid prototyping and precise designs is increasing.

CNC Machining & Laser Cutting

Tools: VCarve Pro, CNC Router, Laser Cutting Machine

  • Why itโ€™s important: Precision cutting was needed for various components of the housing, especially for the bird stand, the base, and acrylic parts of the sink.

  • How we used it: Using CNC machining helped us cut large, sturdy parts from MDF that form the framework (Press-Fit) for the AgroLink system. With laser cutting, we fabricated the birdโ€™s stand and other fine details. Learning how to operate these machines was essential in turning our digital designs into physical reality.

  • Future potential: In the future, these skills will allow us to work with larger materials and produce high-quality prototypes for various industries, from product design to architecture.

Embedded Programming

Tools: Arduino IDE, Sensors, Microcontrollers

  • Why itโ€™s important: The heart of AgroLink lies in its embedded systems. Without the knowledge of how to program microcontrollers and integrate sensors, none of the automation in AgroLink would be possible.

  • How we used it: We used Arduino IDE to program the sensors (proximity, soil moisture, air quality) and manage the systemโ€™s behavior. Learning how to debug code and ensure the sensors interacted correctly with the environment was a critical aspect of this project.

  • Future potential: Whether in smart home systems or IoT-driven industries, embedded programming is a highly valuable skill. The ability to control hardware with code gives us endless possibilities for future projects and jobs in tech.

Prototyping & Testing

Tools: Breadboards, Wiring, Prototyping Kits

  • Why itโ€™s important: Prototyping allowed us to test different parts of the system to ensure that everything worked before finalizing the design.

  • How we used it: We used breadboards and jumper wires to create quick setups for testing sensor functionality and logic flows in real-time. By prototyping the irrigation system, we ensured the water flow system would work with the 3D-printed valve.

  • Future potential: In engineering fields, prototyping is key. Knowing how to quickly build, test, and iterate designs enables us to solve problems rapidly and efficiently.

Future Plans & Improvements ๐Ÿ’ก

Although the current version of AgroLink focuses on the indoor system, we envision extending it with an outdoor counterpart. By introducing features like solar panels to power the outdoor components, we can further enhance the sustainability aspect. Additionally, implementing more automation and remote controls through apps like Blynk will make the system even smarter.

This project represents only the beginning. It integrates all the skills and technologies we’ve learned and applies them in a meaningful way. Going forward, we have a foundation of knowledge that can be expanded upon, allowing us to keep innovating in the future. ๐ŸŒฑ

Last update: September 17, 2024