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What to know about me


My name is Ali,
I am a student at Bahrain Polytechnic to be an Electromechanical Engineer. I can describe myself as someone who likes the trial and error method while calculating every step I take. I am fond of the idea of being able to create stuff out of nothing hence my choice of major in engineering and joining the FabLab academy training program.

Visit this website to see my work!

My Website

My background

I was created in a lab and sent to Mars as an experiment

Previous work

I have been the collector of rocks on Mars as well as being the reason why we know that Mars had life at a certain time “this is a joke”

Project A

Me on Mars
it definitely was not the easiest trip but since I was made for the mission I was able to withstand the tough times
coming back to earth

Jokes aside past semester we had the chance to experience with dealing digital devices and systems

I made a traffic light using boolean function and flip flops and simulated the design using NI Multisim

Traffic light Project

The hardware application
(just note that the hardware is a simplified version of the design)

Traffic light Project hardware

Last update: July 12, 2024