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1. Project management


set up

we started our jurny with creating fablab and tamkeen acounts

after we created our accounts we signed up in git using fablab account and downlaoded the GIT software.

simple coding

FIRST we used GITLAB GITFABCLOUD to see our site and to make simple changes such as changing text and adding images, you can compress the images to cut their size.


In this step we cloned the site in our computers using GITBUSH that we downloaded earlier, running GITBUSH in a file will set the location in it , we will copy our site URL to make the first command (GIT clone https....) , that will download it as a file ,then becacuse we are using BUSH for the first time we will be using the following comands for idniftifacation :

git config –global “FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME” git config –global “”

Using virsual studio :

after openning the site file in visual studio Now that we can controll the site using virsual studio we can use tools that will help us

this one for example:

This extension will help you alot, it will show you the changes you are doing -while- coding live, you can run the extension by clicking(shift-ctrl-v) , you also can put them beside each other by clicking splitscreen then moving the extension head to the other half for better view to track your adjustments & check for errors or mistakes.

simple design

There is a file with the name “mkdocs.yml” that contain simple instructions that will allow us to have some options like for example :

Header changings

The file have the options in changing the site name, description , author name and header colour.

other options:

you can change font type, Icons and also add social media accounts with by adding your social media link to the provided locations

for example:

my linkedin

Also adding youtube links:

the only thing you need to do is go and copy the link of the video , just click share and copy:

After that you only need to past the link in visual studio and you will git this result :

you will notice that the link is in HTML ,and you can controll the size


You have the option to change the icon from HERE copy the name of the shape you liked and adding it here :

using preivew ex: shft + control + v

Last update: September 9, 2024