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Another project

Introduction for the project :

Health care today, is one of the biggest challenges that are facing humanity nowadays, with the rapid increase of the population, the limited resources and the man power that are effecting the majority of the nations around the world in facing the large number of patients, limited hospitals capacity, that limits the regular citizen chance of meeting a doctor or getting treated, checked for free or with a low cost (supported by government), That’s where the use of technology come to save the world by providing tools and ideas to solve those problems, in this project we are going to provide an engineering solution that carry the purpose of minimizing the physical visits to a treatment center, for the patients with chronic disease by using a monitoring device that can detect any abnormal changes of sugar level, body temperature, hear rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels for the patient that is sent to the doctor monitoring devise behind a screen that will warn the doctor for any changes that will allow the doctor to handle multiple patients without physical attendance that will lower the pressure on the limited man power and resources around the world.

1.remote health monetoring.
2.disease prediction.
3.rapid monetoring.
5.vital signs.
7.medical information.
8.telemedicine wearables. for comparison.


Ricardo O Nascimento- prototyping movement from Textile Academy on Vimeo.


Last update: July 9, 2024