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6. 3D printing and scanning

3D printing:

3D printing is an additive manufacturing process that creates 3D objects by building them up layer by layer. It allows for the creation of complex, customized designs using a variety of materials like plastics, metals, and even living cells. 3D printing has applications in rapid prototyping, manufacturing, medicine, architecture, and more. The technology is constantly evolving, with advancements in printing capabilities and materials, making it an increasingly influential part of various industries.

Group Assignment:

Found in here

Individual Assignment

3D printing

  • I planned to make a vertical stand for my device to organize my desk.

  • I took the dimensions and design the design using fusion:

  • I uploaded the design into the 3D printer software.

  • I sliced it:

  • I chose the filliment type:

  • I sent it to the 3D printer

  • Final Result

  • 3D scanning:

    3D scanning is a technology that captures the physical shape and appearance of real-world objects, creating digital 3D models. It uses various methods, such as laser scanning or photogrammetry, to measure the surface of an object and generate a digital representation. The resulting 3D models can be used for applications like reverse engineering, digital archiving, and as input for 3D printing. 3D scanning technology has become more portable and accessible, expanding its use across different industries.

  • I used the scaneverse app to accomlish the assignment which is scanning a 3d object.

  • I planned to scan the human heart inspired by grey's anatomy when the start 3d printing organs to plant it into humans.

  • I moved the phone 360 degrees around the object slowly to capture everthing.

  • Last update: August 25, 2024