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Final Project - Rehabilitation Set for Fine Motor Skills


The Rehabilitation Set is designed to enhance fine motor skills in children through engaging and interactive activities. It includes two main components: a button-question interface and a ball-in-maze game.


  1. Arduino MKR wifi 1010
  2. Buttons
  3. RGB Color Sensor
  4. MDF wood
  5. vinyl
  6. Capasitive touch MPR
  7. Infra-Red sensor


  1. CNC large
  2. Lazer cutter
  3. Vinyl Cutter
  4. 3D printer


1.Button-Question Interface


This component consists of a series of buttons, each associated with a question or prompt that encourages children to answer verbally or in writing. This activity promotes fine motor coordination through pressing buttons and provides cognitive stimulation.


  • Improve finger dexterity and coordination.
  • Enhance cognitive skills through question answering.

2. Ball-in-Maze Game


This activity involves guiding a small ball through a maze using fine motor skills. It promotes hand-eye coordination, grip strength, and spatial awareness.


  • Develop fine motor skills through manipulation of the ball.
  • Improve problem-solving skills by figuring out the maze layout.


  • Monitor the child’s progress through direct observation.
  • Consider using a checklist to note improvements in dexterity, coordination, and problem-solving abilities.


This Rehabilitation Set provides a fun and interactive way for children to develop their fine motor skills. By incorporating playful elements into therapy, children are more likely to engage and benefit from the activities.

Programming Process

  • We started by testing each sensor alone, using a basic code either from the library or somewhere else just to check if it s working or not and to how it should be connected.

  • After testing each one, we programmed each one alone based on what we want to do, For example we programmed the RGB sensor that once it detect a particular thing, it give us a particular color. Or like programming 2 infra-red sensors together, to count the time between each.

  • After that, we started integrating each board's sensors and codes together.

  • Once each boards code works, we integrated both codes in one code.

  • Designing, Cutting, & printing Process

  • We started by designing in Fusion 360 and cutting prototypes using the lazer cutter to check the sizes, and check if the electronics fits in the design.

  • We made the adjustments needed and started cutting using the Large CNC using MDF.

  • We also designed and 3D-printed a case for the buttons since they are too small for our design dimensions. We first printed a prototype for one to see if it fits or not. After printing the final case, we solder it and connected it.

  • We designed the question cards and printed them.

    ## Assembling
  • Once everything is done, started connecting the wires and assembly the box

    ## Final Product

    Last update: September 12, 2024