HI! I am Fatima Alalawii

Physics - Computer science student

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Who Am I ?

About Me

I'm Fatima Alsayed Ghalib, Physicist & Programmer to be!
I enjoy learning, teaching, designing, coding, connecting electronics and reading. I like document and capture the moment, but not in website! in instagram. You usually find me in instagram @Fatimaalalawiii.

You can know me?

My projects
Manipulating Ping Pong Ball Motion

Computational physics | 2024

Coded the project to study the air track effects on the ball. (Used fortran90)

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Online Clinic Management System

Software engneering | 2024

Builed an online clinic system after studying the project requirements.

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supermarket website

Internet software development | 2024

Create a small supermarket website using HTML, CSS, PHP, JAVAScript, MySQL.

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Blood Donation Management System

Database | 2023

Designed database system to automate and facilitate the process of blood donation. it is responsible for recording and managing blood donations, blood inventory and donor information’s within a donation center. (Included ER model - Relational schema - SQL queries)

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Trip planner

Human-Computer interaction | 2023

Design an interactive website for online trip planner. (Included storyboard prototype - card-based prototypes - full website design.)

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Detectable Gravitational Waves from Binary Neutron Stars

Selected topic in modern physics | 2022

Doing full research with analysis scientific reports and presentation about Detectable Gravitational Waves from Binary Neutron Stars.

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Fab Academy time?

My assignments
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This week I start building my own website, starting with MKdown going to HTML website.

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This week I mainly work on 2D laser cutting machine, and also I use vinal cutter to make some stickers.

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I continue working in programming in this week, with focusing more in input and output. We also work in our final project, the programming side.


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During this week, I work in molding and casting with silicon, resin, soup and gypsum.

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This week I mainly worked in 3D printer, starting from designing 3D design going to physical result. I also worked in scanning physical objects.

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Labore velit culpa adipisci excepturi consequuntur itaque in nam molestias dolorem iste quod.

What I Did ?

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