2. Computer Aided design

In the second week, we learned about free designing tools such as Cuttler, Fusion and TinkerCAD. (note: Fusion required a trial of a month)

2D softwares


Cuttler.xyz was the first tool that was used for free design purposes. alt text

Step 1

Create an account to log in the website alt text

Step 2

Once you create the account, click on a new project. alt text

You will see this Coordinate plan alt text

Step 3

Click on any shape of your choice. (I chose the star for reviewing the steps of using Cuttler) alt text

Step 4

Adding other shapes from the list as shown above. (circle is chosen as presented below) alt text alt text

Step 5

Other circle is added using the mirror feature. alt text

Step 6

The design would look be symmetric. alt text

Step 7

Adding the same circles but with larger dimensions. alt text

Step 8

Adding lines to create smile on the object and mirroring some lines as well. alt text alt text alt text

Step 9

Lines can be stretched to connect endpoints with each other. alt text

Step 10

The lines connected to each other as shown below. alt text

Step 11

Select all shapes of component. alt text

Step 12

Then, choose any of the boolean options, I will choose the difference one. alt text

Step 13

Final shape will look like this. alt text


InkScape is a 2D-drawing software used for the tasks of the second assignment, layout of the website is shown below. alt text

Step 1

Choose layout of the canvas, type of keyboard, and appearance you prefer for your usage then click save. alt text

Step 2

Click on new document. alt text Defult layout of canvas will be in portrait mode as shown below. alt text

Step 3

Click on new template from the files section. alt text

Step 4

Choose paper format suitable for you to draw on. alt text

Step 5

Start sketching using the pen tools to create any shapes you desire. alt text

Step 6

Text can be added to the sketching canvas using the text feature. alt text alt text

3D softwares


Is the main 3D software that will be used for my final project.

Trail activation

Download free trial for using software by receving the download link via E-mail. alt text

units and software simlarity preference

I chose SOLIDWORKS as the preferred software for similar controls because I used it mainly for my university projects and assignments. alt text


This view will be seen once a new file is created alt text

Preference of methods for sketching and designing can be chosen from settings.

Step 1

Click on the preferred plane that you want to sketch on. alt text I chose the front plane where X is on the horizontal line and Z as the vertical line. alt text

Step 2

Click on create sketch. alt text Then, click on the axis that you want to draw your design on. alt text

Step 3

Create lines after clicking on the plane you chose to draw on. alt text

Step 4

Define the dimensions you want in millimeters using sketch dimension. alt text

Dimensions in the sketch will look like this as shown below. alt text

Step 5

Fit point Spline will be used to draw wavy lines using repeated points that can be adjusted by moving them, keeping in mind this required practice. alt text

The lines will look like this as shown below. alt text

Step 6

Using the revolve feature to reflect the object alt text Note: revolve feature reflects the shape in all four quarters reflecting around 360 degrees for the shape to be reflected fully.


Is a free online 3D-dimensional software for creating designs. alt text

Step 1

Sign up to crete a new account. (preferred to be a personal one) alt text

Step 2

Click on create first 3D design. alt text

Step 3

Link on website will be added for creating a chess Pawn. Once the design is completed, stars sparkling animation appears as shown HERE alt text.