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1. Project management

This week I worked on my website:

  1. Register on GitLab to get the website

  2. Connect the website with Git and Microsoft Visual Studio

  3. How to edit the website

1. Register on GitLab to get the website

To start, you can register on GitLab by following the fablab link provided for registration sent to your E-mail

Sign in..

Then download the Git and Open it

To connect, first copy the link “Clone with HTTPS”.

2. Connect the website with Git and Microsoft Visual Studio

In Git… follow the steps below and press Enter after each command:

  1. Paste the URL after this code:
get clone
  1. Replace the
  1. Replace what is in “”:
git config --global "ur username"
  1. Replace what is in “”:
git config --global "ur email"

Open Visual Studio and open the file

3. How to edit the website

First make the changes,then save the changes

Then press “Commit”

Then press “Sync Changes”

Learning outcomes

Learn and use the tools for building websites, discovering how they work and using them effectively for the projects and assignments.

Last update: July 4, 2024