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3. Computer controlled cutting

This week I worked on 3 things
1- Laser Cutting (Group)
2- Laser Cutting (My Own Desgin)
3- Vinyl Cutting Machine (Sticker)

Group Assignment

This week, our group assignment focused on familiarizing ourselves with the laser cutting machine. As part of the assignment, we set the parameters of the laser cutter, such as the power, speed, and kerf (the width of the cut).

It is a subtractive method to cut the material using laser. There are some safety measures to take when you want to use the laser cutter, such as:

Closing the protection door when the machine will start cutting. Stay in safe distance. If there is any fire make sure to stop the machine by pressing the stop button (the red button).
This picture shows a general idea of some of the buttons.

Laser Cutting

In leser cutting we have done 2 things....

The power-Speed Test & The Best Joint Test
### The power-Speed Test

We have done about 20 squares to determine what is the best speed and power for 1.5mm Plywood…
This picture shows the result

The best speed and power: As you can see that the best speed and power are : (P 40 - S 20)…(P 52 - S 20)…(P 40 - S 30)

The Best Joint Test

We have done a 2 joint test one using plywood and the other using cartoon

Here are the picture for Plywood…

Here are the picture for cartoon…

We can see that for Plywood the best cutt was 2.1mm and for cartoon the best cut 1.7mm and 1.6 mm

To see thr group assigment in details

Individual Assignment

Press fit desgin

I designed a basic square shape with notches using Autodesk Fusion 360. You can download the .dxf file here. This shape serves as a connector in a straightforward cardboard press-fit kit. Simply adjust the square to a realistic size for your needs.
In this picture you can see the the design
As we know that using parametric desgin is better because u can edit the desgin easily.
How to make it parametric, Click change parameters

Click this Plus sign and add the number with a name

Then we edit the parameters that we added and the final shape will be…

After cutting by leaser…i have put them togather and created a qube......

Also this a random shape…

Vinyl Cutting Machine (Sticker)

I used silhouette studio to do this task
First, download the software and then open it

Step 1: This is when u open the software

Step 2: Click open and select the picture u want

Step 3: Edit the diminsion that u require

Step 4: Click Trace and then click select trace area

Step 5: Cover ur picture

Step 6: For my picture i used this settings for trace

Step 7: Move the picture to see where the machine will cut

Step 8: Click SEND and edit the powerdown as shown in the picture

… …

Pic pf the printer
I have put it on my phone..Here is the picture.....


Click here to download the model of press-fit

For vynal, take screenshot of the pictures..

Last update: September 17, 2024