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5. 3D printing and scanning

This week, I worked on 3D printing and scanning.

3D printing is a process where objects are built up layer by layer using materials like PLA or PETG. This method makes it possible to create complicated shapes and designs that are hard to make with traditional manufacturing methods.

This Week’s Tasks:

1-Design a 3D design

2-Print your design

3-Scan a 3D object using any 3D scanning application.

Group Assignment

Click here to see the group work

Individual Assignment

My Design

I have designed a skee-ball....Down here u will see the final fusion desgin....

Now, the steps tp print the .stl file using a software called creality

1- Download Creality

2- Connect the laptop to the same Wi-Fi network as the 3D printer

3- imported the 3D models

4- Using the tools in the top toolbar, make necessary adjustments to the model, such as scaling, rotating, or repositioning it on the print bed.

5- Select the model and carefully chose the appropriate filament, considering the material properties best suited for the project.

6- I customized the print settings to fine-tune the quality, speed, strength, and support structures. For support, I opted for “Tree (Auto) Support,” which provided efficient support with minimal material usage.

7- I used the “Preview” feature to thoroughly inspect the model and ensure that all settings were correctly applied and that the model would print as expected.

8- press “LAN Printing” to send the G-code directly to the printer.

9- Finally, I went to the printer’s interface, accessed the “Library,” and selected the prepared model to start the printing process.

3D scanning

3D scanning is a process that captures the exact shape and surface details of a physical object to create a digital model. This digital data can be used for various purposes, such as reverse engineering, dimensional analysis, or digital examination, enhancing the precision and efficiency of work.

1- Download the app.

2- Choose new scan then mesh and take a series of 360-degree pictures of the object to scan.

3- Wait for them to upload to the app.

4- Download the generated 3D model file in STL format for further use.

I chose this body to scan (this was made by one of the stu. of FabLab)

The Result

At the end, I can say that I successfully completed several tasks: I designed a 3D model, printed it, and used a 3D scanning app to scan an object. It was a lot of fun, and I also learned some interesting and new things along the way.


click to download skee-ball model

Last update: September 17, 2024