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8. Moulding and casting

Group Assignment

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Breif information about the material we have used

Review the safety for Silicon Rubber of molding and casting materials Make a test casts with different shapes using sillicon.....

To make a Silicon Rubber

The Material that we have used: RTV2 Silicone Rubber

Safety: Non-toxic and safe for skin use. For added protection, we also wear gloves.

Process steps:

1) Surface (Model) that silicone will be poured on must be clean.

2) Release agent for the surface is advised.

3) Silicone must be mixed for at least 30 seconds before adding the curing agent.

4) All preliminary work should be done before casting and casting should be completed without wasting time.

5) Silicone must be mixed well after adding the curing agent.

6) Removing the air bubbles after the mixing process is essential.

7) Silicone must not be touched after the molding process until the vulcanizing (curing) is completed.

Mix ratio : the base (component A) and hardener (component B) carefully with a scale in the mixing ratio 1:1 (by weight)

Type Time
Work Time 30 - 40 min
Cure Time 24 hrs


Step 1: Start the scale, and make it zero

Step 2: Pour the “A” 10 gram Ratio is 1:1

Step 3: Pour the “B” 10 gram Ratio is 1:1

Step 4: Pour them

Step 5: Mix them for 2 minutes

Step 6: Pour them to the second glass and mix them for 2 minutes

Step 7: Since the sillicon is u nned a solid mould to pour, bcuz the at the end we want a sillicon cast

Step 8: Picture after pouring

Individual Assignment

First i done the desgin in fusion....

I got the idea from

I took the picture and added it in fusion and draw a line by line to create the shape..and then added some features for looks

When i finished working on the desgin, it turns out that i need to remove the carvings bcuz the machine can’t do it

Pic to clearfiy…The red is first desgin and the blue is the final desgin

Steps to make an actual BATRANG

Step 1: Move the desgin into TinkerCad to know the W:L:H

Step 2: Incredible Amberis ..Using this software.. Fix the axis

Step 3: CLick the options that u want

Step 4: keep choosing the options that u want

Step 5: The print will show u how it will print

Step 6: To reduce the time we have fixed the area.. Just the wanted areas

Step 7: Edit the Roughing and finishing

Step 8: Fix the origing point for X:Y:Z

Step 8: Make sure to put the same DrillBit

Final View

After wating and wating we have finally got the result…

I’m happy with the final results. It looks great, so I’m making more.


click to download batrang

Last update: September 17, 2024