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Embracing the journey of learning is not just about gaining knowledge, but about leaving a trail for others to follow. Welcome to my digital footprint through Fab Academy, where I document every step of my learning, exploration, and journey.

What is the purpose of this site?

This website serves as a comprehensive documentation of my journey through FabLab, a valuable training opportunity. Throughout this 10-week program, I’m utilizing Git to meticulously record every aspect of my experience and the knowledge gained. This includes detailed insights, step-by-step processes, and project developments. The primary goal is to create a resource that future FabLab students can rely on. Whether they seek guidance on weekly tasks or project execution, they can refer to this site for comprehensive details and insights. Additionally, this website also serves as a valuable personal reference for myself in the future. It allows me to revisit and leverage the documented experiences and tutorials whenever I want to reflect on past learnings.

What is Git?

Git is the most popular version control system in the world. The primary function of any version control system is to record changes made to our code and store them in a repository database. This database allows us to access all changes, including who made them and when, enabling us to revert to previous versions of the project if necessary. Version control systems eliminate the need to save multiple copies of the entire project after each change, which is impractical and time-consuming, especially in collaborative projects. In essence, version control systems provide us with a history tracking mechanism and facilitate efficient teamwork.

What is Visual Studio Code (VSC)

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a user-friendly code editor developed by Microsoft. It’s designed for editing code directly on your personal computer, making file management simple and projects easy to handle. VS Code is popular because it’s easy to use and can be customized to fit how you work. It supports many programming languages, including Markdown, making it a versatile tool for writing and managing code, as well as creating formatted documents.

For more info about Git, Visual Studio code, or anything related watch this video below:

Last update: July 22, 2024