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Week 8: 3D printing and scanning

This Week’s Tasks:

  1. Group Assignment

  2. Design a 3D design

  3. Print your design

  4. Scan a 3D object using any 3D scanning application.

Group assignment:

The group assignment for this week was done by me click here to go through it.

For 3D designing, I didn’t designed a New model for this week; however, I used an old design of mine that I created from scratch in week 2:

Click here to download

I picked this design specifically because it could not be easily made by any of the other manufacturing process that we learned (CNC, Laser cutting, and molding & casting). The CNC machine and the laser cutting machine both work with 2-D designs and while it would be possible in molding & casting, it would need to be casted twice (once for each side since in molding & casting one side must be flat )and then put together with some kind of glue which will make the process difficult and with many flaws. Therefore, 3D printing is the perfect choice for this specific design.

This design is very large in scale, therefore, I scaled it down to the size of a key chain.

Due to the small size and the chosen layer height (0.20 mm) the fine details and the finish didn’t turned up as I hoped. In addition, due to the small thickness of the handel, I broke it accidentally while removing the support.

In addition to the hammer, I printed another design. Though this second design I downloaded from thingiverse.

This is two piece model. The wings are inserted in the two holes in the sphere.

Click here to download the wing

Click here to download the snitch

Here are the results:

3D Scanning

The aim of this task is to use any 3D scanning application to scan any 3D object. I used an application called Scaniverse.

Here how to use the application:

Note that this video is speeded up, when you are going around the object, it is important to go slowly and cover all the angles.

Here are the results:

As you can see, it got the shape of the Action figure but surface is not smooth, the facial expression of the figure is not shown, maybe with the colors the figure will looks better and distinguishable. The results weren’t quite successful and maybe that due to the fact that I did not spent enough time going around the object. Overall, it is impressive experience to try even though the results weren’t the best.

click here to scroll up

Last update: September 14, 2024