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Final Project

In this section, I will document the thinking process, research conducted, and ideas found in regard to the final project.

Research Process

when it comes to the project we were directed or steered toward cretin themes. Firstly, the project must be integrated with Internet of Things (IoT) technology and must be relevant to one of theses themes:

  • Sustainable homes

  • Education

  • Health and wellness

  • Interactive play

Each student can pick any of themes that inanest him/her and start conducting thorough research about it. I picked “Health and Wellness” theme and started my research. Naturally, I used Google scholar and applied the tips that I mentioned in week one. There are plethora of health and wellness project that apply IoT technology, however, after narrowing them down based on feasibility in regard to my personal capabilities and resources available, the remaining were either monitoring devices or detection devices. I felt more drown toward motoring devices since they can monitor multiple variables; thus, covering more ground instead of limiting the device for the detection of one illness or disease. After narrowing down the ideas, the research process become much easier. I relied in my search on few Key words that I compiled for every relevant study I found.

Key words: IoT, Wearables, cloud computing, Vital signs, bio signals, health motoring, sensors, body sensor network, patient, caregivers, hospital, blood pressure, pulse rate, medication.

After reading a plethora of abstracts, I have reached a somewhat general idea about a potential deign idea.

My Idea

My idea was a monitoring wearable device that monitors vitals such as pulse, temperature, ESG, and any other possible vitals. This wearable/watch device is connected to an automated medication dispenser.

Below is an initial rough sketch of my idea:

I had three other student with me in the group Ali aljeshi, Hassan Mandeel, and Sara Hamza, and like me, each om my group had their own ideas.

  • ‘Radiya’ - The X-Ray Companion Doll – Sara’s idea

  • Posture Check Office Chair – Ali aljeshi

  • Voice to Text Glasses – Hassan Mandeel

After multiple group meetings and a lot of discussions, we reached a final decision to choose the medication dispenser as a final choice.

The full documentation was compiled and added to my group mate Sara Hamza’s Website.

Here is the final result of the project. To more information visit Sara’s Website.

Here is a compressed file that contain all the files in regard to Pill Pall project

Last update: September 15, 2024