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the group assignment have been done by my friend Batool For my individual assignment, since I don’t need a piece of furniture at the moment, I asked my family if they wanted something. My mom suggested corner shelves to place her plants on.

She sent me photos of what she wanted from Pinterest, and this was one of her choices: 1

the link of the inspiration design

I inserted the design into PowerPoint to take the ratios between the dimensions and created a similar piece but with different sizing: 2

Here is my sketch and calculation to find the proper sizing that fits the wood dimensions I have: 3

I wanted to add a personal touch, so I started sketching designs in PowerPoint to visualize them. The designs included cuts and engravings: 4

I completed the design and added the designs I made for each plate to visualize how they would look: 5

Then, I started building the design in Fusion 360. It was a complete mess due to the number of constraints I used: 6

I also considered making the first design from the left (from the designs I made for the plates), but it was too difficult. So, I decided to create a simpler design, which is shown below: 7 8

Here is a neater look at the design: 9

to download the design click here

I then sent the design to the computer with the cutting software, V-Carve: 10

Here is the CNC operating and cutting my design: 11

The final pieces after a little sanding, as MDF wood doesn’t require much sanding: 12

I tried to assemble the pieces at home, but I failed because it required a lot of strength, and I was afraid of breaking it. This was due to the many joints I included in the two larger pieces. I would recommend reducing the number of joints to make assembly easier: 13 14 15

I had my dad help me, and this is the final look: 13 13 15

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Last update: August 25, 2024