This week we started with a group assignment that involved researching the cure time, work time, safety, procedure (process), and a photo for each material.
We did this in a Google Sheets format, which you can find in this link.
My friend and I worked on the material called standard plaster.
For the individual assignment, we were asked to create a 3D design with dimensions of 7 cm x 7 cm x 0.8 cm.
First, I started by drawing my design in Fusion.
I extruded it to approximately 0.8 cm; this is the allowed depth.
After the cutting was finished, we removed and cleaned the excess material to get a clean mold.
As you can see, it still needs more cleaning. You can clean it with a wood stick or with water.
Here are the steps:
1. We weighed the wax mold on the scale and then zeroed it.
2. We added water to the mold.
3. We weighed the water to get an idea of how much material we would need (weight = 22.8 g).
Making sure the mold is really clean.
After that, I chose to use white silicone. There are two mediums, Medium A and Medium B, and the ratio between them must be 1:1, so I didn’t worry too much about the calculations. However, we needed to add more than the weight because some material might stick in the mixing cup, and to make sure it properly fits the mold.
The silicone inside the hard wax.
Final result of the silicone mold:
Referencing the group assignment I did for standard plaster, you can see the procedure there.
The ratio is 0.8:1 water:standard plaster.
Unfortunately, the gypsum is so fragile that it broke, possibly because of the design’s small details.
I did a cast with chocolate; it looked nice but still broke.