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CURRENT - Tamkeen registration

This should be the page you are looking for! Unless you are a time traveler :)

The Fab Academy program is supported by Tamkeen. This page will walk you through the steps to add the program on the Tamkeen portal.

Estimated time

This process shouldn’t take longer than 15 minutes! Just make sure you have all your documents scanned and accessible before you start and that you have a strong internet connection.


Before starting the process, make sure that you have the following:

  1. An active Tamkeen account . If you don't have one, create an account here .
  2. The following required documents in pdf, png or jpg format:
    • Highest Academic Degree.
    • Valid smart card.
    • Your CV.
    • Fab Academy program brochure (provided by FabLab Bahrain).
    • Training provider invoice (provided by FabLab Bahrain).
    • Training provider acceptance letter (provided by FabLab Bahrain).


To register the program follow the steps below.

  • Log into your Tamkeen account. You might be asked to enter a one time password that will be sent to your phone number.

  • On the portal, navigate to “start an application”

  • Navigate to “Professional Certification Program”, click on “View & Apply”

  • This will take you to a new page, click on “Start Application”

  • Start filling the application. the application contains multiple different sections. You can save your progress at any point.

  • The “Personal Details” section of the application relate to your own personal information. Fill those sections with information about you and your background.

  • If you are a university student, it is reccomended that you upload both your university transcripts and high school degree (as one PDF file) in the “Highest Academic Degree” section

  • In the “Program details” section, explain how the program can help you with your future job/career. For example, an Architect will learn different CAD softwares and fabrication methods that will help them design and fabricate better architectural models.

  • In the “Individual support” section, click on “add support area”. This section relates to the training details.

  • Begin by selecting the training provider type “Local”. and “Training provider” name as “FAB LAB BAHRAIN”

  • In the “Training program details” part, select the name of the program “FabLab Academy Program” and the rest of the details should fill up automatically

  • Enter the program dates and price as listed in the acceptance letter and invoice provided to you.

  • Upload the documents provided to you by the Fab Lab Bahrain Team

Possible issues

If you get this message when trying to register, you might have an old draft application that needs to be deleted for the application to get through. If the message continues appearing, immediately inform the Fab Lab Bahrain team.

Confirming the registration

When your application is approved, you will receive an email and SMS message informing you of the approval. You will need to log into the Tamkeen portal again and click on “Confirm”

Last update: June 27, 2024