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3. Computer controlled cutting

During this week, we acquired knowledge about digital fabrication, specifically focusing on laser cutting and vinyl cutting techniques. Broadly speaking, there are two main categories of fabrication methods: additive and subtractive. For the upcoming week, our focus will be on the subtractive approach to fabrication.

Group assignment

At Zainab website

Laser Cutter

I found this assignment intriguing as it involved designing a construction kit with parametric press-fit connections and producing it using a laser printer.

basic design to check the press-fit. the important point is to export the design in .dxf because Laser cutter can read it.


Download Dxf File -> Part1 Part2

Vinyl cutting

During this portion of the assignment, we created our own personalized stickers. We began by preparing the design and then proceeded to send it to the machine for cutting.

Last update: September 11, 2023