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8. Moulding and casting

Group assignment

I take Gypsum material

  • For Safety Avoid: “Excessive Inhaling, Ingestion, Eye contact”
  • Processes & Time It needs to be garnered into water ( Not vice versa) in a clean bucket. Then Mix approximately 4L of cool, clear water and 5kg Made plaster together. After that Stop adding once the powder is exceeding the water level. After 1 minutes of soaking. properly mix by hand or mixer.
  • Ratio 4:5 “4L water, 5kg gypsum”

Here is a summary of the steps I followed:

  • Initially, I poured 8 grams of water into a container.
  • In a separate container, I added 10 grams of gypsum powder.
  • Next, I poured the water from the first container into the container with the gypsum powder.
  • Finally, I poured the mixture into a silicon mold and allowed it to cure.
  • By following these steps, you have successfully created a mixture of gypsum and water, which was then poured into a mold to undergo the curing process.

design Sharingan eye

To be honest, I am a One Piece fan, but Naruto’s abundance of Japanese art greatly appeals to me. I love it and draw a lot of inspiration from it.

*for sure it will be on Inventor ;)*


Then we convert them to SPR player which can help us to use monoFab Machine

MonoFab Machine


Safety Information: - Wear Gloves - Use Tissues when needed - Keep Distance - Wear Apron

- Silicon A (used with Silicon B with ratio 1:1 to create mold) - Silicon B (used with Silicon A with ratio 1:1 to create mold) - Milled Wax (Previous Step) - Plastic Cups (to add silicon into) - Plastic Spoons (to transport silicon) - Tissues (to clean excess materials) - Small Weighing Scale (to weight materials)

Ratio & Mixture
- On Milled Wax with 1 A to 1 B Ratio (silicon material since it was the available one). - 62.7g A and 62.7g B Material. - results take time in 9 hours approximately

- Add Silicon A to glass - Add Silicon B to another glass - have same weight at both - Add Them in one glass - Mix them well for about 2 minutes.



Safety Information: - Wear Gloves - Use Tissues when needed - Keep Distance - Wear Apron

Resin and Hardener were used as they provide a colorless result which can be colored and are more rigid than the materials used at the group task

Ratio & Mixture
- 10g resin to 6g hardener ratio

- Add 10g of Resin in Cup - add 6g of Hardener in Cup - Add to the Molding Result to start Casting - Wait until it solidifies.

full cure time approximately 36 hours.

Last update: September 12, 2023