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procedure 4

now after we solved the vibrations problem, we can move on to the next step!

we have to provide an interface to user (a graphical user interface) to make anyone able to use our project product. I started developing a website by using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

This is an alt text.

to provide the ability to draw in our website, we used a library called canvas and we seted its width and height according to our design product to make sure that any shape would be drawn would be fitting to our design product (width = 500) (height = height).

This is an alt text.

in order to fighr out what is the shape that user drawn, we made our website save all pixels positions while a user draws and once the mouse up, the pixel positions would be saved inside an array to deal with them latter to control the movement in our design product.

This is an alt text.

Last update: September 30, 2023