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Week5 3D Printing

In this week we learn about how can we use 3D printing machine to print real life opjects.

Group printing task

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At first, we had to search about an example of 3D design from internet and download it to test the queality of the printing. we choosed a Bison Whistle because it require most of 3D printing circumstances.

The amazing thing was that the printed whistle is actually work and it was printed with its specific designing details!!

individual task

Each fab student had to make his own design in Fusion360, then put the design in prusaSlicer to manage the printing requirement.

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This is the final design printed:

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3D Scanning

Sensor & Distance

XBOX 360 is a visual sensor used for people playing games on Xbox, yet it can be used as a tool for 3D Scanning which is the case here.

  • The Principle Behind 3D Scanning is to take a 360 video or images from sides to complete them

  • A 3D scanner works by capturing data from a physical object’s surface to describe its shape in an accurate, digital, three-dimensional format Source

  • The method used when scanning here is a taking a video on a chair and then rotating 360 using the tip of the foot

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Last update: September 13, 2023