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1. Setting up the website

This week we worked on setting up the website using gitlab which which is a platform that provide a user-friendly interface which is used to manage and design websites without dealing with html or css coding directly, After you sign in with Fablab account you will find your website waiting for you.

Editing The website

To start working on the site All you have to do is to to “Repository” then to “web IDE”

WhatsApp Image 2023-05-05 at 22.13.03.jpg

When you get in here you can find the site files which are images used, the pages files, or the master editing file
WhatsApp Image 2023-05-05 at 22.10.32.jpg

to add a picture all you need is to put


to add Link

Designing the site

-WhatsApp Image 2023-05-05 at 22.12.13.jpg

by going into this tab

you can Edit:-

Social media links: The social section of the YAML file allows for customization of social media links, including icons and links to various social media platforms.

Theme customization: The theme section of the YAML file allows for customization of the site’s Material theme, including the primary color, accent color, scheme, text font, code font, and logo.

Applying changes

After adding and editing all you have to do is to create a commite

from here

WhatsApp Image 2023-05-05 at 22.41.03.jpg

and do not forgot to make sure you are selecting the master branch

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If something went wrong all and you want to un do all you have to do is to go and check the “commits” from the “Repository” and revert from the action

Last update: May 20, 2023