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5. cnc cutting

This week I worked on designing assembled wooden box using fusion 360 and then cutting it using cnc machine, then worked on sanding and painting the final product after assembling it

making the design

I made the the first sketches of the parts on a paper to get a better visualizing of the idea im going after, that helped me deciding on the desired dimensions and all, considering it was required to be a press fit design.

after that moved to fusion 360 and made all the parts in one drawing sheet and just extruded them which was very convinient, also making the design simple and the fact i made it in way that had almost identical side pieces helped me finish quicly by just dublicating them, however i realized after that i should have made more slit which could make it mesh and hold more firmly.

the next step was assembling it and give it a high ledge so it could fit a hinge that does not require any external parts which was the idea of The fablab instructer AbdulGhafoor who i thank for his help.

cnc cutting

CNC cutting machines have revolutionized the woodworking industry with their precision, efficiency, and versatility. These automated machines use computer numerical control (CNC) technology to accurately cut, shape, and carve wood materials with exceptional detail and speed. Equipped with powerful motors and cutting tools, CNC machines can execute complex designs and patterns with utmost precision, resulting in flawless and consistent cuts. Woodworkers can create intricate furniture pieces, decorative elements, and architectural components with ease, while minimizing waste and maximizing productivity. CNC cutting machines have truly elevated the art of woodworking, enabling craftsmen to bring their imaginative designs to life with remarkable accuracy and finesse.

To learn about the specefics of using the machine you can check Batool’s page

finishing the product

The wood used for the box was plywood so after cutting it needed quite of work on to get rid of the burrs and reduce the surface roughness, Thats why after i filed any curling pieces of the cut areas, i decided to work on sanding it using an electric sanding machine, moving up gradually in grit, and after finidhing it ive applied red mahogny coating which helped with both enritching the colour and as a varnish in the same time.

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Last update: June 7, 2023